
Information for visitors

Here, you will find all the important information you need for your preparations at Guangzhou Industrial Technology.

Opening times


Date Opening time
4 – 5 March 2024
9:30 am – 5:00 pm
6 March 2024
9:30 am – 3:30 pm
  1. Automotive 
  2. Aerospace
  3. Mold procurement
  4. Electrical & electronics
  5. Consumer electronics & home appliances
  6. Chemicals
  7. Toy industry
  8. Jewelry industry
  9. Consumable
  10. Packing and printing
  11. Food & Beverage industry
  12. Medical equipment & consumables
  13. Education industry
  14. Biopharmaceutical industries
  15. Environment, waste management
  16. Oil, gas & mining industries
  17. Energy production and management (conventional & new energy)
  18. Battery engineering
  19. Transportation
  20. Water conservancy & hydropower engineering
  21. Household chemicals

Further information for your visit

Puzhou Venue

Exhibition grounds

Here you can find an overview of the various halls, entrances and other important information about the fairground.


Arrival & stay

Here you will find important information about your arrival and stay during the fair.



Here you can find important information for your journey to Guangzhou, China and about your visa.